Saturday, May 1, 2010

Does Goiter Look Like

Agora is back:: Review

fourth century after Christ in the city of Alexandria, the sanctuary of science and culture of the ancient world, the philosopher and astronomer Hypatia, daughter of the director of the library, transmits his teachings to a group of students of different religious and social backgrounds; even his slave Davus allowed to attend classes, and to present their models of the Ptolemaic system. Meanwhile, the city slips inexorably in turmoil: the number of Christians is rising dramatically, especially the lowly and the slaves are seduced by the word of Jesus Christ and the charisma of Parabolan, a sort of monastic sect / militia acting on the submission of paganism (and Judaism) to the Christian religion. When Christians sull'agora march, which was prohibited, as is the temple and the Library, and the pagans try to drive them out with weapons, the pressure of events is inevitable.

Stole summary plot , which is much more comprehensive and realistic than they are different "back covers" that are scattered across the web and make it seem like just another love story Agora impossible between the slave and the aristocratic.
Nothing could be more false.

First, let us say one thing: Agora is the best movie I've ever seen for a couple of years now . intelligent, credible, well done, with actors worthy of this name (Rachel Weiz is very good, and then follow the days of The Mummy), original finish with a beautiful but terrible.
Hypatia is a fascinating figure, on which the director has worked in fantasy as there are very few items on her (but the historical reconstruction, otherwise, it is very meticulous) and the parties in which he speaks of philosophy or trying to understand how the movement of the planets are beautiful.
There's history in this film, there is no religion - and I burned with rage and indignation when the bishop Cyril read the prefect Orestes step of the Scriptures where it says that the woman must be submissive and be silent, riferedosi in Hypatia and Orestes to the relationship he had with her - there's plenty of ideological conflict and faith that can achieve the coexistence of Christians, Jews and Gentiles, Christians do not want to know where to see other venerable cults and behave exactly like when the Romans persecuted them and their worship of the insult pagan, stone and Jews have the nerve to defend and justify everything with "the will of the Lord."
the anger because I knew that all this really happened.
From here on spoilers, so if you do not want to spoil the movie skip this paragraph and go to the next.
When at the end with a tour of tension - which traveled parallel in the scientific, religious and human - the capture Parabolan Hypatia (refusing to convert to Christianity to save themselves in the name of his ideas and that does not compromise even when Orestes, in tears, asked her to do so) to finally see you Davus a minimum of the spine: the victimized and the saved from stoning, killing himself, smothering it in his arms.
A harrowing scene, where Hypatia look up through the hole in elliptical (the much sought ellipses) of the roof of the library while Davus holds a hand over her mouth, and pass the short flashback of moments spent together.

It 's a film that remains inside. I was deeply touched, very, very deep and I really entered into it. Davus's love, that of Orestes are components that do not affect the story elements are marginal and of little importance. In this respect I was further satisfied: originality This film was a breath of fresh air.
The director could show a blowhard Orestes and full of himself, the typical school bully, and initially there is to think in reality is very different Orestes, and luck.
Davus the same: in one scene, shortly after Orestes has declared a half in front of Alexandria Hypatia began to pray to God that no man ever has - and I must say, prayer has been heard.

Really, go see it. I doubt you can be disappointed: a movie like this is pure oxygen for any lung.